Influencer marketing logo
Influencer Marketing

Marketing HUB


It is a comprehensive suite of products designed to automate advertising campaigns and streamline integrations on platforms like Twitch. Tailored specifically for brands and marketers, it leverages advanced AI technology to enhance advertising effectiveness, optimize content strategies, and maximize audience engagement.
Total charts demo
Twitch activity

Campaigns logo


Gather and assess data on views, followers, donations, and other essential metrics of streamers across different timeframes

Logo Tracking

Automatically identifies and monitors the presence of your brand logos in video content. Provides detailed reports on logo visibility, duration of exposure, and placement within the content, helping you understand the effectiveness of your branding efforts.
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Single Campaign
Newspaper icon
Target Analysis
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3 Steps Campaign
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Ad Banner
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Single Campaign logo
Single Campaign

Single Campaign

Detailed analysis of the success of past streams and forecasting the effectiveness of future sessions based on accumulated data


Launch campaigns with the streamers you chose.

Keep Track

Manage orders for advertising integrations, track their execution, and receive reports on results.
Calendar demo

Advertising Banner logo
Advertising Banner

Advertising Banner

Place and manage advertising banners on streamer channels, analyze their effectiveness, and optimize displays.
marker person

Instant Placement

Deploy ads without delays or the need for streamer approval.
marker person

Engagement Insights

AI provides complete insights into click volume and target audience, allowing you to better understand the impact of your banner and improve ROI.
marker person

Real-Time Flexibility

Easily replace logos in real time, maintaining the relevance and flexibility of your ad materials.
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Multi-Campaigns logo


A three-step system for verifying and approving advertising campaigns to ensure high quality and relevance of content.
Streamer Metrics demo

In-Depth Analysis

Create a request for in-depth analysis of any Twitch, YouTube, or other platform streamers. Get accurate, up-to-date insights with just a few clicks on the AI Influencer Platform.
Summary Statistics

Peak viewers
Peak viewers
27 455

Avg viewers
Avg viewers
4 069

11H 23M

Msg in chat
Msg in chat
34 486



Single Campaign logo

Manage orders for advertising integrations, track their execution, and receive reports
on results.
Funds Protection logo

Funds Protection

The escrow functionality temporarily holds funds in an account until both parties fulfill the agreed-upon conditions of the transaction. This helps prevent fraud and ensures that funds are only transferred once all conditions are met.
Transparency and Auditability logo

Transparency and Auditability

All transactions conducted through escrow on the blockchain are verifiable. This guarantees transparency in the process and provides an opportunity for auditing, adding an extra level of confidence for the deal participants.